Children are soon taught in school to place entirely too much dependence upon their physical senses and upon the marvels of their brains. Infants who are just starting school are soon made to realize that their success in life and their prospects of reaching fame and wealth depend upon the development of their brains; all they hear about humans as a successful being is the importance of brain development. They come to think of people as being only brain and body. They hear such foolish statements referring to the importance of the five physical senses as "seeing is believing " and similar remarks. Likewise they have discovered during their early childhood that whatever they have mentioned to described something which their inner sixth sense has revealed to them, they have been laughed at or ridiculed until they begin to think that perhaps only their imagination has been working or that they are peculiar in some way, and they do not want to be considered unusual.
Every child in the early years has a tendency to see lights and moving objects in a dark room, or even in a well-lighted room. At first these things seems to be perfectly natural to the child and they do not realize that they seeing something that adults do not see. Nevertheless, as children begin to speak of some of these things and describe things that they see or hear, they find that adults disagree with them or imagine these things. At first this a shock to the child. Consequently they decide to keep these things to themselves and say no more about them. Then , when school education begins, they do not hear other children speaking of these things( probably for the same reason that he or she does bot speak of them)but hears the teacher agree with what the parents have said about such things being unreal and imaginary. Children gradually develop the idea that they are seeing and hearing things in their imagination that no other child or living being has seen. This makes them believe either that they are mentally peculiar or in some way different and that they had better ignore such things in the future and become normal like all other people. From that time on the psychic faculty in a child is slowly reduced to a minimum.
In adults we find that personal vanity is regard to thinking is one of the great obstacle to the development of psychic senses. People are told all through their schooling to look upon brain development as the highest cultural asset, and they are made to understand that the person who uses their brain the most and who does the most thinking of an analytical nature, and who is the most careful and conservative in their reasoning, is the one who will have the the greatest success in life. It is pointed out by every teacher, by every book, by every system of modern guidance, that as people develops their brain and use it to the exclusion of every other means of intelligence, so will they become a dynamic power in the future and they soon learn that each man and woman should consider his or her own brain as the greatest asset in the world. I cannot help thinking at this moment of the foolish notion the Chinese people once had: namely , that the smallest foot was the most attractive feature that a woman could have. Therefore, they bound the feet and disfigured them, hoping this would attract admiration and attention.
Though strange to us, it is, after all, no more peculiar than the idea that people's brain are the most valuable asset they have and that it should be given a dominant place in all thinking. This sort of idea is what make millions of people believe that if they sit down and reason out something or analyse something, thereby arriving at an objective decision, their decision is superior and, therefore, the only safe guide in life. You can hear great men and women say, when talking to one another, that they are going to do this thing or that thing because the have " analysed it carefully and arrived at a very definite conclusion". According to them such a conclusion should be accepted by everyone else without question.
A problem in connection with business men and women in all walks of life is their reluctance to take anyone else's opinion or advice. People of this kind feel that their reasoning is superior. This is because they have probably tried to build up what the call will-power and thinking power. Generally they read a great deal in order to be familiar with a great many laws and principles of life, they read a great deal about travels, expeditions, history and so forth. Then, when they are face to face with a problem or a particular subject, they sit down and begin to think it over. They view the problem from every angel and allow their personal opinions and beliefs to speak out loud to them. Finally they come to some conclusion and no one in the world could change their opinion. They say to themselves that with their fine education and with their fine brain development they are capable of reaching a conclusion as perfectly sound as the conclusion of anybody else. It is as difficult to try to change the opinion of one these people as to try to move the mountain. These people will say to themselves when they are alone" my brain is clear, it is a good thinking brain; i know how to use it to think, therefore i do not see why i could decide about a matter or come to the conclusion about something without consulting anyone else."
Now when such people get a hunch or an impression, an urge or a message from the still small voice within, they ignore it. I have heard businessman say frankly, "Something inside seems to tell me that i should not make this investment but i have though it over carefully, using my analytical brain to examine it , and have come to a conclusion. Since i cannot see why my reasoning should be wrong, i am going to follow my reason." This is typical of the vanity of men and women who place their brain faculties above their spiritual or psychic faculties. Why people do not discover more quickly than they do that they are often in error with thinking is a perplexing problem .
When the great stock market crash occurred in the United States in October 1929, thousand, if not millions, of men and women discovered that their analystical thinking had been wrong. Perhaps a thousand more discovered that they would have been better off, had they listened to the hunch or voice that tried to urge them to do differently.Nevertheless, how many learned a lesson through that experience ? Perhaps most of the thousands who realized they should have listened to the small voice within forgot all about the experience in a few months and turned about and made some more investments, based upon their magnificent , vain thinking and analysis, only to learn that again they had made a mistake. The whole depression that lasted from 1929 to 1932 was a result of the constant dependence that many thousands of people put upon their objective, analytical reasoning.
Although this small voice has many names and many ways of manifesting itself, i shall not deal with these manifestations at present but with the source of knowledge which this small voice seems to have. Granting that the small voice of intuition does give us valuable hints at times, the natural question is, "where does this knowledge come from?''
Through analysis of the intuitive or inspiration faculty of the small voice within us, we find it must be a part of the Universal Consciousness dwelling within us. This Universal Consciousness we can call Cosmic Consciousness, psychic consciousness, inspiration or anything we please,but it is very evident that the source of its knowledge is outside our objective brain faculties. We can see that analytical reasoning has its source of knowledge inside our brain faculties, while the still, small voice has its source of knowledge outside those brain faculties.
Here at once we see that there are two sources of knowledge entirely different and from different sources which are, therefore, in constant contest of supremacy.
As we develop this inner faculty of intuition and learn to listen to it and be guided by it, we sense gradually how it obtains it information . Through these experiences we have learned that the source of this psychic knowledge is the Universal Mind. This lead us to the next important study, namely, that which constitutes the Universal Mind. Before going into that subject, which is a very deep and interesting one, i want to stop long enough to outline a simple way in which you can begin right now to strengthen and increase the functioning of that psychic voice or knowledge before it is too late and before it becomes inactive within you. Fortunately for us, we have some very excellent advice in the regard given to us by the great Masters of the past. Each of them, after long experience and investigation, discovered the same fact, that the only way to quicken, awaken and strengthen the action of the inner voice was by turning outward thoughts inward.
Every child in the early years has a tendency to see lights and moving objects in a dark room, or even in a well-lighted room. At first these things seems to be perfectly natural to the child and they do not realize that they seeing something that adults do not see. Nevertheless, as children begin to speak of some of these things and describe things that they see or hear, they find that adults disagree with them or imagine these things. At first this a shock to the child. Consequently they decide to keep these things to themselves and say no more about them. Then , when school education begins, they do not hear other children speaking of these things( probably for the same reason that he or she does bot speak of them)but hears the teacher agree with what the parents have said about such things being unreal and imaginary. Children gradually develop the idea that they are seeing and hearing things in their imagination that no other child or living being has seen. This makes them believe either that they are mentally peculiar or in some way different and that they had better ignore such things in the future and become normal like all other people. From that time on the psychic faculty in a child is slowly reduced to a minimum.
In adults we find that personal vanity is regard to thinking is one of the great obstacle to the development of psychic senses. People are told all through their schooling to look upon brain development as the highest cultural asset, and they are made to understand that the person who uses their brain the most and who does the most thinking of an analytical nature, and who is the most careful and conservative in their reasoning, is the one who will have the the greatest success in life. It is pointed out by every teacher, by every book, by every system of modern guidance, that as people develops their brain and use it to the exclusion of every other means of intelligence, so will they become a dynamic power in the future and they soon learn that each man and woman should consider his or her own brain as the greatest asset in the world. I cannot help thinking at this moment of the foolish notion the Chinese people once had: namely , that the smallest foot was the most attractive feature that a woman could have. Therefore, they bound the feet and disfigured them, hoping this would attract admiration and attention.
Though strange to us, it is, after all, no more peculiar than the idea that people's brain are the most valuable asset they have and that it should be given a dominant place in all thinking. This sort of idea is what make millions of people believe that if they sit down and reason out something or analyse something, thereby arriving at an objective decision, their decision is superior and, therefore, the only safe guide in life. You can hear great men and women say, when talking to one another, that they are going to do this thing or that thing because the have " analysed it carefully and arrived at a very definite conclusion". According to them such a conclusion should be accepted by everyone else without question.
A problem in connection with business men and women in all walks of life is their reluctance to take anyone else's opinion or advice. People of this kind feel that their reasoning is superior. This is because they have probably tried to build up what the call will-power and thinking power. Generally they read a great deal in order to be familiar with a great many laws and principles of life, they read a great deal about travels, expeditions, history and so forth. Then, when they are face to face with a problem or a particular subject, they sit down and begin to think it over. They view the problem from every angel and allow their personal opinions and beliefs to speak out loud to them. Finally they come to some conclusion and no one in the world could change their opinion. They say to themselves that with their fine education and with their fine brain development they are capable of reaching a conclusion as perfectly sound as the conclusion of anybody else. It is as difficult to try to change the opinion of one these people as to try to move the mountain. These people will say to themselves when they are alone" my brain is clear, it is a good thinking brain; i know how to use it to think, therefore i do not see why i could decide about a matter or come to the conclusion about something without consulting anyone else."
Now when such people get a hunch or an impression, an urge or a message from the still small voice within, they ignore it. I have heard businessman say frankly, "Something inside seems to tell me that i should not make this investment but i have though it over carefully, using my analytical brain to examine it , and have come to a conclusion. Since i cannot see why my reasoning should be wrong, i am going to follow my reason." This is typical of the vanity of men and women who place their brain faculties above their spiritual or psychic faculties. Why people do not discover more quickly than they do that they are often in error with thinking is a perplexing problem .
When the great stock market crash occurred in the United States in October 1929, thousand, if not millions, of men and women discovered that their analystical thinking had been wrong. Perhaps a thousand more discovered that they would have been better off, had they listened to the hunch or voice that tried to urge them to do differently.Nevertheless, how many learned a lesson through that experience ? Perhaps most of the thousands who realized they should have listened to the small voice within forgot all about the experience in a few months and turned about and made some more investments, based upon their magnificent , vain thinking and analysis, only to learn that again they had made a mistake. The whole depression that lasted from 1929 to 1932 was a result of the constant dependence that many thousands of people put upon their objective, analytical reasoning.
Although this small voice has many names and many ways of manifesting itself, i shall not deal with these manifestations at present but with the source of knowledge which this small voice seems to have. Granting that the small voice of intuition does give us valuable hints at times, the natural question is, "where does this knowledge come from?''
Through analysis of the intuitive or inspiration faculty of the small voice within us, we find it must be a part of the Universal Consciousness dwelling within us. This Universal Consciousness we can call Cosmic Consciousness, psychic consciousness, inspiration or anything we please,but it is very evident that the source of its knowledge is outside our objective brain faculties. We can see that analytical reasoning has its source of knowledge inside our brain faculties, while the still, small voice has its source of knowledge outside those brain faculties.
Here at once we see that there are two sources of knowledge entirely different and from different sources which are, therefore, in constant contest of supremacy.
As we develop this inner faculty of intuition and learn to listen to it and be guided by it, we sense gradually how it obtains it information . Through these experiences we have learned that the source of this psychic knowledge is the Universal Mind. This lead us to the next important study, namely, that which constitutes the Universal Mind. Before going into that subject, which is a very deep and interesting one, i want to stop long enough to outline a simple way in which you can begin right now to strengthen and increase the functioning of that psychic voice or knowledge before it is too late and before it becomes inactive within you. Fortunately for us, we have some very excellent advice in the regard given to us by the great Masters of the past. Each of them, after long experience and investigation, discovered the same fact, that the only way to quicken, awaken and strengthen the action of the inner voice was by turning outward thoughts inward.