Sunday, March 31, 2013
Divinity Of Man
As human beings we should not develop,either consciously or unconsciously, that strange attitude and metal idea that we are superior to all other beings on the face of the earth. There is nothing that will interfere with the progress in life of the average individual so much as having a degree of superiority, unless perhaps it is the development of an inferiority complex .
But there is no reason either why we should not understand, frankly and honestly , the real facts. The human being is the highest form an highest development of the creative force in the world. The human form was gradually evolved and created to be the living image of God . This does not mean the image of a personal God, and it does not mean having the form, figure and body of a God, it means having the spiritual image, the spiritual qualities and the spiritual properties of the God Consciousness in our own physical organism and in our minds and souls.
We possess by birth and by divine right, and are gifted with more higher evolved abilities and powers than any other God's creatures on earth. The fact that we can talk, think, analyse and do things with our fingers and hands and with our bodies that other animals creatures cannot do easily, demonstrates our highest development. There are also many other qualities we posses that are lying dormant which are not fully awakened and are not often used, so that the average individual is never more than forty five percent efficient as compared with what he or she could be if the will was there.
Many people have been surprise by the strange abilities , powers and antics of my little pet dog.We casually remark sometimes that the things he does and the way in which he does them would indicate that he is almost human.And yet that is not fair statement because that dog, with all of his wonderful abilities, or the best trained dog and the most developed dog or cat or horse or other animal that ever lived, could not being to approach a human being in the special faculties and abilities which human beings posses.
Of course, it is true that all animals and all living creatures have some degree of an unevolved soul. Human beings are not the only living things that have souls, but they are the only creatures that have individual souls that are associated with the utmost of divine wisdom and intelligence .
Animal Sensitivity
My little dog has learned to do things which a child might do, with the same understanding and the same joy of doing them, and with the same good motive and purpose. And he has some faculties that the average human beings has not even tried to develop. For example , he sense very quickly and efficiently when anyone in the home is worried or deeply concerned about something, or is perplexed or tired. Very quickly he shows his sympathy and reveals that he sense a strange condition .
If anyone in my home was to be stricken with some illness and lying in the bed with death very close at hand.I know that this little dog would quickly sense the approach of transition and being to cry and wail. He would sense a gradual reduction in the aura of the sick person and know instinctively and intuitively that a cosmic and physical condition was manifesting. Very few human beings have developed that degree of sensitivity. And of course the dog can sense many other things too which we might sense also if we tool time or the trouble to develop the faculties with which we wee born. But with all of his intellect, and with all of his cooperation in being trained and developed by me, he is still far from possessing the sort of divine intelligence and understanding that a human being possesses .
Latent Wisdom
Every human being possess an inner library of knowledge and wisdom and each one of us is born with certain abilities and powers that are like sparks waiting to be fanned into flames. But we make our way through life without developing these abilities or awakening these qualities ,and without consulting this great storehouse of wisdom, until one day we find a necessity for doing so.
Then we join some movement or come under some instructor and begin an intense period of serious study and practice . We try to do in eight or 10 years what we should have been doing for 20 or 25 years previously .We try to crowd into few years of life all of the development and study that should have been gradual and helpful in our progress .
God Consciousness
It is this divine quality , this God Consciousness in us that distinguishes human beings from all other creatures of the animal kingdom. It is what God intended in the beginning when, after He had created all the other things in the universe and all the living creatures, He decided that man should be created in His own divine image. We were the last, the highest product of the creative consciousness of God, and throughout all the ages, human beings have continued to be the special concern of God in His process of evolution .
No matter what else God may do, and what else He may create in the universe, whatever is good and helpful and powerful, He has reserved for us and continues to confer upon us His most beneficent and bountiful blessings. That is why humanity has evolved and brought about what we call civilization. We may attribute to ourselves, to our thinking , and to our mental capacity, many of the great improvements in life, but at the back of our own ability lies the divine inspiration which God has placed there and continue to place there.
We have today attained only a small degree of what we will become through the passage of eons of time.But right now, our highly evolved human race represent the most learned, most powerful, and most developed qualities of God Consciousness. Yet it requires humanity's cooperation,understanding and willingness to complete what God has started.
Inner Exploration
As long as we continue to ignore our divine side and the divine wisdom and highly specialized faculties and abilities we have, as long as we refuse to use them or exercise them, we will remain in all our mental and worldly affairs nothing more than creatures of the animal kingdom .
We can raise ourselves consciously to the degree of development we have inwardly.We must strive to do so and must understand and comprehend our beings. With all worlds we are trying to explore, in the heavens and throughout the universe, with all of the unknown lands of the sea that we seek to explore and excavate, with all of the planet and starry clusters that we want to investigate and become familiar with, we continue to ignore the greatest filed , the greatest world of exploration; the inner, divine self .
Throughout the world today, the changing condition in the material world are forcing upon men and women the necessity of finding relief and protection , of finding salvation, strength and power in something that is not of the earthly element. More and more their thoughts inward.And, as they develop their divine consciousness, they become greater masters of their own lives and affairs.For too many centuries people have pinned their faith in the material things of life. Religions say we should put our faith In God, but as mystics , we say that we should put our faith in God consciousness, possess within ourselves and which remain more or less undeveloped in all human beings .
We have seen the worldly elements and the worldly qualities and valuations depleted, ruined, destroyed, and made of no value . But the one thing that survives and come to our rescue is our spiritual and mental powers and abilities . Until we come to recognized this to greatest degree and make ourselves in every sense "living image of God " we will be slave to the worldly elements and victims of worldly circumstances .
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
How To Pray
Prayer is an element of religious practice greatly dispute....,either adhered to faithfully or denied outright.Those who use prayer as an argument against the existence of an intelligent God,or of any God, claim that prayers would be logically reasonable and efficient if God existed. They are careful to point out that 75% of the prayers are unanswered or seemingly denied.
I am a firm believer in prayer, and you can be too if you will give prayer the proper opportunity to demonstrate it efficacy . There are many things we wrongly accuse of being inefficient , and refuse to accept after only a few attempts to use or demonstrate them. The truth is that it is our own inefficiency and our own ignorance that are responsible .Under the circumstance, i wonder that so many prayers are unanswered .
The understanding of what prayers really are, and how to use them , is so lacking in the average individual that it is really surprising that one out a thousand brings any result at all. In churches, certain formulated prayers are used, spoken by those seem more interested in flowery eloquence than in actual prayer. Jesus taught his disciple how to pray, and the correct version of his instructions and the sample he gave to the world are different from the prayers uttered by those have strayed from the fundamental mysticism of prayer.
Prayer is based upon the assumption that God is omnipotent , present everywhere, and willing to grant our petitions. That is all the assumption or foundation we need for prayers; but i think you will agree that the average person has in mind a few more. Most have in mind not only that God is omnipotent,omnipresent and merciful, but also that with all His attunement with the He created,God is still ignorant of their want and needs,and completely unacquainted with what they require in life!
Here is the great mistake. To go into prayer with the belief that God does not know what you need or what is the best for you and that you must tell Him and explain what it is you want,is to make a serious mistake.
Assuming too Much
Looking at it from a purely reasonable and sensible point of view, does it not seem peculiar for a person to kneel and petition God not to take the life of one just injured in an accident? To pray to God at such a time and almost command Him not to allow life to leave the body of that person or not to allow certain condition to manifest is to assume the we, with our finite understanding,know better that God whether certain things should happen or not.
If the person has been injured and is about to die and God does not prevent it,why should we assume that God will change His mind about the transition and allow the person to live just because we have petition to save the person's life? Think of two persons on opposite sides, each praying to God for strength to be the victor in a war between them. If God is to decide the outcome of the conflict, is it not better to assume that His judgment of conditions and principle involved will be sufficient to pick the proper one to be answered satisfactorily ...., or both cannot be victors .
The mystic knows that any prayer or petition based upon the assumption that God or the Cosmic does not know what is the best, and must be advised or receive recommendation or suggestions, is wasted and futile. In fact, it is a reflection upon the Divine intelligence and reaches no higher than the level of our personal ambitions. Certainly, such a prayer cannot be uttered in sincerity and cannot find cosmic approval. It is doomed to die or lack response from the very moment it is conceived .
To the mystic therefore, prayer is meeting of minds, It is not an occasion for personal petitioning but for spiritual communion. It is a time when the soul and the deepest inner part of each of us sacredly,sincerely and quietly speak to God, expressing the wishes or our hearts and minds. Any thought that our human conception of our needs must be outlined in details, or that advice or recommendation must be given, would be so inconsistent with the true, prayerful attitude that it would militate against proper prayer, and prevent any realization of what we wish .
Desire for Blessings
Therefore, prayer should be an expression of a desire for a blessing . Have i any right to come before God, as i do in prayer, and demand, or even plead, that long life be given because i desire it and have come to the conclusion that i should have it ? Is that not concluding that God may not have thought about given me long life or may have decided otherwise, and I wish to change His mind and decree? Is it not a preclusion of the very effect i wish to create in the consciousness of God?
Have i any right to come before Creator of all and say that i want this or that in a manner which indicates that i have decided upon such things, or ask that the Divine Mind accept my understanding in place of its own? I am sure that if we thought of approaching the king of a country or the president of a nation, whose blessing have been bestowed upon us in the past and under whose bounty we have enjoyed much, we should approach prayer very differently .
If we had enjoyed many blessing at the of a king and were permitted to come before him for few moment's communion, we should probably find ourselves uttering, first of all, words of thankfulness fro what we had.... adding that if it pleased the king, we would be happy to continue to enjoy the same blessing or possibly more. Not one of us would think of petitioning for specific blessing without first having expressed a profound thankfulness for what we had already enjoyed, and without stating that, although we still desired to have a continuance of royal gifts, we had no right to ask for more.
How many of us pray in this attitude? How many of us cleanse our hand of debt by thanking God for each individual blessing throughout the day? It is said, as rule of law, that you cannot go into court and ask justice unless evidence of having done justice to others indicates that you are deserving of it for yourself. How do you approach God in your prayers?
Prayer For Forgiveness
It is true that the sinners and the one whose hand and soul are darkened with evil may approach God like the one who is sinless and perfect. But such a sinner must first seek in the mercy of God , the forgiveness which cannot be granted in any human court. His first prayer must be one of repentance and regret, with a plea for divine grace, so that he may stand before God purified and worthy of further blessings.
We are all sinners to some degree, and to make sure that we come before God worthy of blessings,our first petition should be for forgiveness and grace, accompanied with a sincere expression of appreciation for the blessings already enjoyed. If we approach God in this manner, it is more than likely that we will be so impressed with the magnificence of our lot in life and the sublimity of the divine benedictions already enjoyed that we shall forget the less consequential things for which we intended to ask. It is also likely that if we review our live for the past 24 hours and judge ourselves rightly, we shall come to realize that we are undeserving of further blessing.... having already received far more that we hope to compensate for or even deserve .
Our sinfulness may principally consist of omissions. The gift and blessing of life, with consciousness and the full activity of all our faculties . carries with it an obligation of service in the name of God to the benefit of humanity . If we have enjoyed blessings without having returned some service or devoted some of our powers and faculties to the benefit of others, we are sinful , even though we may have committed no overt act nor violated any cosmic command .
Pray With Humility
We must be sure that we have earned and obeyed before we can rightfully expect our prayers to be even considered. There must be no hypocrisy in heart or mind, no self-deception or aggrandisement . There need be no humiliation, for the greatness and goodness of God within place us beyond humiliation if we rightly contemplate our relationship with God. But there should be humility of spirit, simplicity of mind, honesty of heart.
Our prayers should be expression of desire for continued blessings with the thought, "thy will, not mine,"uppermost in our minds.The simple expression of " may it please the father that health return to my body," is a more contrite , honest and worthy petition than on that demands or suggests that God change the law now in operation , set aside certain specific conditions, and establish others simply because this is our desire and our conclusion .
The vainglorious one who has concluded that he or she above other should be victorious , should not pray for victory but that God should grant victory to the one most deserving and worthy. Not only should the will of God be the granted what they deserve and true need, whether they have prayed or neglected to do so, prayer should never be selfish and personal to the degree that it excludes others, especially those more in sorrow and need than the petitioner .
Think of Others
i like to think of prayer as the rare privilege of a personal interview with the king of kings, the lord of hosts. And i like to think that i have been given the opportunity of asking our blessing or making one plea at this interview. It must be the thing that i myself would grant to the world and all in it if i were the king.
When i meditate upon what plea i shall make, i am often impressed with the fact that there is nothing that i want nearly so much as the things wanted by multitudes of others. If only one plea can be made and one blessing granted, i must be honest enough to ask that other be granted that which they pray for, rather than myself .
While each occasion may be a privileged interview whereby we come into personal communion with the Ruler of the Universe , we may have such communion many times a day. This is the greatest blessing and gift outside of life itself; yet few appreciate it is time of peace, health and happiness. They take advantage of it only in times of sorrow, tribulation and pain .
Learn how to pray and make prayer a real communion and an outpouring of your mind in pureness and humbleness. It is one of the most perfect instance of cosmic contact. To the mystic, it is a transcendental moment of his earthly existence .
I am a firm believer in prayer, and you can be too if you will give prayer the proper opportunity to demonstrate it efficacy . There are many things we wrongly accuse of being inefficient , and refuse to accept after only a few attempts to use or demonstrate them. The truth is that it is our own inefficiency and our own ignorance that are responsible .Under the circumstance, i wonder that so many prayers are unanswered .
The understanding of what prayers really are, and how to use them , is so lacking in the average individual that it is really surprising that one out a thousand brings any result at all. In churches, certain formulated prayers are used, spoken by those seem more interested in flowery eloquence than in actual prayer. Jesus taught his disciple how to pray, and the correct version of his instructions and the sample he gave to the world are different from the prayers uttered by those have strayed from the fundamental mysticism of prayer.
Prayer is based upon the assumption that God is omnipotent , present everywhere, and willing to grant our petitions. That is all the assumption or foundation we need for prayers; but i think you will agree that the average person has in mind a few more. Most have in mind not only that God is omnipotent,omnipresent and merciful, but also that with all His attunement with the He created,God is still ignorant of their want and needs,and completely unacquainted with what they require in life!
Here is the great mistake. To go into prayer with the belief that God does not know what you need or what is the best for you and that you must tell Him and explain what it is you want,is to make a serious mistake.
Assuming too Much
Looking at it from a purely reasonable and sensible point of view, does it not seem peculiar for a person to kneel and petition God not to take the life of one just injured in an accident? To pray to God at such a time and almost command Him not to allow life to leave the body of that person or not to allow certain condition to manifest is to assume the we, with our finite understanding,know better that God whether certain things should happen or not.
If the person has been injured and is about to die and God does not prevent it,why should we assume that God will change His mind about the transition and allow the person to live just because we have petition to save the person's life? Think of two persons on opposite sides, each praying to God for strength to be the victor in a war between them. If God is to decide the outcome of the conflict, is it not better to assume that His judgment of conditions and principle involved will be sufficient to pick the proper one to be answered satisfactorily ...., or both cannot be victors .
The mystic knows that any prayer or petition based upon the assumption that God or the Cosmic does not know what is the best, and must be advised or receive recommendation or suggestions, is wasted and futile. In fact, it is a reflection upon the Divine intelligence and reaches no higher than the level of our personal ambitions. Certainly, such a prayer cannot be uttered in sincerity and cannot find cosmic approval. It is doomed to die or lack response from the very moment it is conceived .
To the mystic therefore, prayer is meeting of minds, It is not an occasion for personal petitioning but for spiritual communion. It is a time when the soul and the deepest inner part of each of us sacredly,sincerely and quietly speak to God, expressing the wishes or our hearts and minds. Any thought that our human conception of our needs must be outlined in details, or that advice or recommendation must be given, would be so inconsistent with the true, prayerful attitude that it would militate against proper prayer, and prevent any realization of what we wish .
Desire for Blessings
Therefore, prayer should be an expression of a desire for a blessing . Have i any right to come before God, as i do in prayer, and demand, or even plead, that long life be given because i desire it and have come to the conclusion that i should have it ? Is that not concluding that God may not have thought about given me long life or may have decided otherwise, and I wish to change His mind and decree? Is it not a preclusion of the very effect i wish to create in the consciousness of God?
Have i any right to come before Creator of all and say that i want this or that in a manner which indicates that i have decided upon such things, or ask that the Divine Mind accept my understanding in place of its own? I am sure that if we thought of approaching the king of a country or the president of a nation, whose blessing have been bestowed upon us in the past and under whose bounty we have enjoyed much, we should approach prayer very differently .
If we had enjoyed many blessing at the of a king and were permitted to come before him for few moment's communion, we should probably find ourselves uttering, first of all, words of thankfulness fro what we had.... adding that if it pleased the king, we would be happy to continue to enjoy the same blessing or possibly more. Not one of us would think of petitioning for specific blessing without first having expressed a profound thankfulness for what we had already enjoyed, and without stating that, although we still desired to have a continuance of royal gifts, we had no right to ask for more.
How many of us pray in this attitude? How many of us cleanse our hand of debt by thanking God for each individual blessing throughout the day? It is said, as rule of law, that you cannot go into court and ask justice unless evidence of having done justice to others indicates that you are deserving of it for yourself. How do you approach God in your prayers?
Prayer For Forgiveness
It is true that the sinners and the one whose hand and soul are darkened with evil may approach God like the one who is sinless and perfect. But such a sinner must first seek in the mercy of God , the forgiveness which cannot be granted in any human court. His first prayer must be one of repentance and regret, with a plea for divine grace, so that he may stand before God purified and worthy of further blessings.
We are all sinners to some degree, and to make sure that we come before God worthy of blessings,our first petition should be for forgiveness and grace, accompanied with a sincere expression of appreciation for the blessings already enjoyed. If we approach God in this manner, it is more than likely that we will be so impressed with the magnificence of our lot in life and the sublimity of the divine benedictions already enjoyed that we shall forget the less consequential things for which we intended to ask. It is also likely that if we review our live for the past 24 hours and judge ourselves rightly, we shall come to realize that we are undeserving of further blessing.... having already received far more that we hope to compensate for or even deserve .
Our sinfulness may principally consist of omissions. The gift and blessing of life, with consciousness and the full activity of all our faculties . carries with it an obligation of service in the name of God to the benefit of humanity . If we have enjoyed blessings without having returned some service or devoted some of our powers and faculties to the benefit of others, we are sinful , even though we may have committed no overt act nor violated any cosmic command .
Pray With Humility
We must be sure that we have earned and obeyed before we can rightfully expect our prayers to be even considered. There must be no hypocrisy in heart or mind, no self-deception or aggrandisement . There need be no humiliation, for the greatness and goodness of God within place us beyond humiliation if we rightly contemplate our relationship with God. But there should be humility of spirit, simplicity of mind, honesty of heart.
Our prayers should be expression of desire for continued blessings with the thought, "thy will, not mine,"uppermost in our minds.The simple expression of " may it please the father that health return to my body," is a more contrite , honest and worthy petition than on that demands or suggests that God change the law now in operation , set aside certain specific conditions, and establish others simply because this is our desire and our conclusion .
The vainglorious one who has concluded that he or she above other should be victorious , should not pray for victory but that God should grant victory to the one most deserving and worthy. Not only should the will of God be the granted what they deserve and true need, whether they have prayed or neglected to do so, prayer should never be selfish and personal to the degree that it excludes others, especially those more in sorrow and need than the petitioner .
Think of Others
i like to think of prayer as the rare privilege of a personal interview with the king of kings, the lord of hosts. And i like to think that i have been given the opportunity of asking our blessing or making one plea at this interview. It must be the thing that i myself would grant to the world and all in it if i were the king.
When i meditate upon what plea i shall make, i am often impressed with the fact that there is nothing that i want nearly so much as the things wanted by multitudes of others. If only one plea can be made and one blessing granted, i must be honest enough to ask that other be granted that which they pray for, rather than myself .
While each occasion may be a privileged interview whereby we come into personal communion with the Ruler of the Universe , we may have such communion many times a day. This is the greatest blessing and gift outside of life itself; yet few appreciate it is time of peace, health and happiness. They take advantage of it only in times of sorrow, tribulation and pain .
Learn how to pray and make prayer a real communion and an outpouring of your mind in pureness and humbleness. It is one of the most perfect instance of cosmic contact. To the mystic, it is a transcendental moment of his earthly existence .
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Being a Mystic and Being Sane
Analyzing the nature and practices of a large number of so-called mystical, metaphysical , occult and spiritual movements in the world , i asked myself : why is it that so many otherwise intelligent, rational human beings seem to be believe that a study of metaphysics or of the mystical laws, principles and facts of life must be accompanied by impossible and often inane assertions, implications and expectations ?
is it not possible to be a student of mysticism and still be sane ? what is there about these arcane subjects that should warrant an individual having irrational thoughts and being gullible in the acceptance of principles ? every one of this new and surprising movements has made unique claims, seized upon unique ideas, offered impossible rewards,and tried to show that new truths,new facts and new marvels have been discovered and are available only through the new age organisation and the new leader .
The most definite thing that they give to their followers is a list of promise which includes the ability to ascend in holy communication with saints and spiritual beings of the past and present ; the ability to become immune to all earthly problems , trials and tribulation ; the power to be superhuman and above normal ; the "guaranteed " formula for lifting oneself quickly and thoroughly out of the average , ordinary routine life to a high, successful and prosperous position; to dwell with the great "unseen masters' intimate association ; and hundreds of other preposterous but alluring promise .
In Harmony With Cosmic Law
it is fact that through the study of nature's laws and the spiritual laws relating to our being and our association with cosmic principles and powers, we can so improve ourselves in our thinking and understanding , in the developing of poise , character, latent powers and abilities, that we can lift ourselves gradually to a high place of life .
it is true that we study and analyse , becoming intellectually and spiritually familiar with the fundamental laws of the universe , and try to adjust ourselves sanely with these laws, and live in harmony with divine and cosmic principles, we develop, awaken and quicken those essential and God-given traits of character and mental prowess that enable each us to change the course of our live and see beyond the everyday horizon .We are enable to follow a path of development, intellectually , ethically , morally and spiritually , that will make our live more peace , contented and prosperous than that of the person who lives a life of narrow-mindedness , bigotry ,hypocritical thinking and dormant comprehension .
But the greatest prosperity in life is not what is associated with money or even with the worldly things that have no inherent quality but represent a power to buy . Good health , a moderate enjoyment of the necessities of life, a happy and contented mind, a lack of fear regarding the probabilities of life formation ... these are the things that represent the true prosperity of life .A person who has most of these would not abandon, trade, exchange or sell them for all the money , gold and material assets of this earth. The person maybe a humble worker even an unskilled laborer or underpaid hireling , living in a same home, in a small village , unacquainted with the scintillating glamorous artificialities of this life .
so friends beware of this claims of spiritual gurus who want you worship them instead of your master within , remember master Jesus says that time shall come when we shall no longer going to Jerusalem to worship God , we shall worship God in truth and in spirit . so people the time is now .
is it not possible to be a student of mysticism and still be sane ? what is there about these arcane subjects that should warrant an individual having irrational thoughts and being gullible in the acceptance of principles ? every one of this new and surprising movements has made unique claims, seized upon unique ideas, offered impossible rewards,and tried to show that new truths,new facts and new marvels have been discovered and are available only through the new age organisation and the new leader .
The most definite thing that they give to their followers is a list of promise which includes the ability to ascend in holy communication with saints and spiritual beings of the past and present ; the ability to become immune to all earthly problems , trials and tribulation ; the power to be superhuman and above normal ; the "guaranteed " formula for lifting oneself quickly and thoroughly out of the average , ordinary routine life to a high, successful and prosperous position; to dwell with the great "unseen masters' intimate association ; and hundreds of other preposterous but alluring promise .
In Harmony With Cosmic Law
it is fact that through the study of nature's laws and the spiritual laws relating to our being and our association with cosmic principles and powers, we can so improve ourselves in our thinking and understanding , in the developing of poise , character, latent powers and abilities, that we can lift ourselves gradually to a high place of life .
it is true that we study and analyse , becoming intellectually and spiritually familiar with the fundamental laws of the universe , and try to adjust ourselves sanely with these laws, and live in harmony with divine and cosmic principles, we develop, awaken and quicken those essential and God-given traits of character and mental prowess that enable each us to change the course of our live and see beyond the everyday horizon .We are enable to follow a path of development, intellectually , ethically , morally and spiritually , that will make our live more peace , contented and prosperous than that of the person who lives a life of narrow-mindedness , bigotry ,hypocritical thinking and dormant comprehension .
But the greatest prosperity in life is not what is associated with money or even with the worldly things that have no inherent quality but represent a power to buy . Good health , a moderate enjoyment of the necessities of life, a happy and contented mind, a lack of fear regarding the probabilities of life formation ... these are the things that represent the true prosperity of life .A person who has most of these would not abandon, trade, exchange or sell them for all the money , gold and material assets of this earth. The person maybe a humble worker even an unskilled laborer or underpaid hireling , living in a same home, in a small village , unacquainted with the scintillating glamorous artificialities of this life .
so friends beware of this claims of spiritual gurus who want you worship them instead of your master within , remember master Jesus says that time shall come when we shall no longer going to Jerusalem to worship God , we shall worship God in truth and in spirit . so people the time is now .
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Master Within
Some people refer to the master within as "the still, small voice within." Although vaguely correct , technically it is not the same as the inner master, but is what has been termed the "voice of conscience." Conscience is partially the voice of the inner master but crucially , it is filtered by our cultural milieu and relates as well to things we have learnt from others in society, not all of them being universal in their scope or even that beneficial to us . We can see this by the fact that in different cultures, where morals and mores are different; conscience relates to the particular moral setting in which it grew.
We are taught a pattern of right and wrong, not only in moral issues but also in lesser matters. In its basest state, conscience is a reminder of what we have been taught whenever we are on the verge of disregarding or violating the precepts we have been taught to respect . Conscience then , tells us usually only what we already know and it is only as we allow the voice of the inner master, the true voice of intuition,to take charge in our lives, that conscience merge with and become subsumed by the universal, spiritual values of our deepest selves. It is important therefore to always try and distinguish between conscience that has been drummed into us and conscience which comes from master within.
The master within can reveal to us what we do not already know;the solution to a difficult situation, a new discovery , the meaning of a new experience or a new way of looking at ourselves. At times this insight may be received in words or as an idea without words;at other times,it comes as visual image. Often it is disguised in imagery or symbols that we have to interpret .
The master within does nit have to be trained or developed,for it is already there. We do not have to train and develop ourselves to make use of it or to cultivate a working relationship with it ,but we do need to subsume our concept of what is right and wrong,namely our conscience,to the will of this inner master. This is an important part of mystical study .
The master within is a part of the human psyche,related to the unconscious,subconscious or subliminal consciousness. This deep area of the psyche is independent of ordinary objective consciousness as it is the conscious manifestion of personality of the soul itself during the brief period if time that it is incarnated in a human body. This inner master operates by different rules from our everyday lives,and is unaffected by the social norms of the day. We do not manage any part whatsoever of its consciousness,but we do have a direct line of communication with it . And of greatest importance to us as aspiring mystic is that the master within is in close communication witg both our individual soul and with the soul force,i.e.the force of life which animate all living things .
What we can get in objective consciousness is a sort of echo from the inner master. If our "echo chamber" is warped or cluttered,the echo will be distorted and maybe even silent. If the door is shut,we will not hear the echo at all. Often it is lost in the continual buzz and clatter that come through the objective sense.
One skill to be learned is how to focus on a particular question. Another is to disconnect:to stop,look and listen for an answer.
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