I shall begin each morning unafraid, and shall seek the wonderful gift that the day will bring to me. I shall be guided by intelligence rather than belief, and shall see truth and ignore no fact. I shall guide my thoughts into the highest realm, holding my cherished aspiration and sacred ideals uppermost in my mind.
Throughout the day i shall enjoy all the beauty of my surroundings. I shall glory in my association and aspire to the exaltation that comes with love of God and of humankind.
I shall forgive freely before forgiveness is asked. I shall harbor ill thought towards none. I shall fulfil every trust. I shall remain poised and serene i every trial, and face each emergency without fear.
I shall be friendly and courteous toward all. To me each day will one of kindly deeds and unselfish love. I shall give loyalty to all to whom loyalty is due. I shall be clean in body, action and thought. I shall revere my God and have the utmost respect for the religious convictions of my fellows.
To obtain the most from life i shall give the best that i can give. At all times will i enthrone service and eliminate the motive of gain. I shall perform each task cheerfully. I shall build not destroy.
And so will i come to the end of each day with the satisfaction brought by service, serenity,kindness and love. I shall go to rest with peace that comes from an untroubled mind and the memory of tasks well done.
Throughout the day i shall enjoy all the beauty of my surroundings. I shall glory in my association and aspire to the exaltation that comes with love of God and of humankind.
I shall forgive freely before forgiveness is asked. I shall harbor ill thought towards none. I shall fulfil every trust. I shall remain poised and serene i every trial, and face each emergency without fear.
I shall be friendly and courteous toward all. To me each day will one of kindly deeds and unselfish love. I shall give loyalty to all to whom loyalty is due. I shall be clean in body, action and thought. I shall revere my God and have the utmost respect for the religious convictions of my fellows.
To obtain the most from life i shall give the best that i can give. At all times will i enthrone service and eliminate the motive of gain. I shall perform each task cheerfully. I shall build not destroy.
And so will i come to the end of each day with the satisfaction brought by service, serenity,kindness and love. I shall go to rest with peace that comes from an untroubled mind and the memory of tasks well done.