Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rosicrucian Healing

The early Rosicrucians undertook to do healing work in a humanitarian spirit, and as a necessary reformation to take place in the world, because of this conclusion -through earlier experiments -that there was some secret involved in connection with the vital force of life in the human body, or in all animal and plants bodies, that was still unknown .

        The earliest Rosicrucians did not interest themselves very greatly in the rapidly evolving school of "medicine " then holding the world's attention, since such school was merely a step beyond that of biology with which the had long been familiar . By understanding rightly the first principle of the Rosicrucian ontology which says,God formed the human being out the dust of the earth and then breath into its nostrils the breath of life and the human being become a living soul, it becomes known that the Rosicrucians viewed the physical body as merely a secondary part of humanity, made out of the primary element of the earth, and not so essential to its existence as the "breath of life".

        The argument is and has been that the scriptural statement, as well as all mystical statement of other periods of time before the so-called christian bible was written, refers to the fact that after the breath of life entered the physical form made out out of the elements of earth, the human being become a 'living soul" instead of a" living body", and that the emphasis there is given to the divine, ethereal, or psychical part of the human being and not to the material .

         Therefore, the Rosicrucians argued that whatever might become wrong in the normal functioning and condition of the human body should not be surveyed from the material angle alone but from both viewpoints . If any emphasis were to be given, it should be to the so-called breath of life or the vital life force .For this reason, botany and all biological principles were studied carefully in their relationship to the chemical, physical,  and material composition of life, and all of the early Rosicrucians were quite expert in the preparation and administration of so-called herbal extracts which later evolved into forms of medicine and drugs .

     It is strange but true that the more primitive or fundamental humanity's thinking, the more it gives emphasis to the biological side of its nature, assigning a secondary place to the spiritual part of its being. For that reason, we find that even the earliest American Indians-who most certainly did not have either christian bible or other textbooks of science or religion-became very expert in the cultivation of herbs and in the study of botany, not for the preparation of medicine but such extracts as would give the human being the necessary or missing mineral and earthly elements and fluids to make its physical body normal. It could then hold and maintain the spiritual part of its body .

         The earliest "medicine men' among the american Indians tribes, and the so-called pagan or heathen medicine men of the south sea island and all primitive tribes, practiced an art of therapeutics that involved or applied more of mystical principle and intangible ethereal powers than did herbal extracts, They knew that the real secret key to health, and therefore to disease also, lay in this power that was so intangible that it could not be administered through minerals or extracted juices of anything of an earthly nature .

           The presumption among all of these early thinkers was that if human beings would eat and drink properly , they would have a physical body meeting all the requirements of the physical and divine laws. They argued, as we Rosicrucians argue today , that disease and ill-health do not start in the physical body unless the individual has neglected the proper diet or has deliberately taken into his or her system such material elements as were poisonous or inharmonious .

           Everyone who has made a careful study of the matter knows that the body in its physical composition, or let us say in its chemical,biological, and physiological composition, has to be neglected and badly treated for a considerable length of time before any real disease begins to manifest. But the greater and more frequent cause of ill-health and disease is the neglect or mistreatment of the essential spiritual or vital forces in the body representing the other part of humankind, the intangible, esoteric , ethereal part that is so little understood. Such neglect need exist only for a few hours or a day to produce long-standing chronic condition or illness and disease that may take years to correct and may eventually lead to an early and unnecessary transition .

                                                         Vibratory Energy

But what is this secret power or energy that so vitalized all of the body and that is more important than the material part of the body? It is the 'vibratory energy" referred to by various names and which constitute the real key to the healing processes in the Rosicrucian system .
        While scientists have sought to discover serums and have recommended one form of serum or another for  this or that condition and while others have tried to find salts and herbal extracts that would counteract or create various conditions in the body that would be of a healing nature, the Rosicrucians soon found that instead of these medicines or drugs acting upon the physical body of mankind , the physical body had expel these things immediately because they were abnormal, foreign matter taken into the body and not required by nature's healing processes. Therefore, whatever action and reaction took place from the use of medicines or drugs was the reverse of what these scientists thought it would be, for instead of the drug acting upon the body, the body had act upon the drugs and expel them. In the meantime , a warfare or battle was set up the natural healing force of the body attempted, and very often succeeded , in making the necessary cure.

                                     White Cell, the Purifier

The fact is that when the vital powers or divine cosmic powers within the body and within normal range are functioning to the proper extent, there is no necessity for herbal extracts,medicines , drugs or any of the remedial things that are limited strictly to the material composition of the body .

         While we speak of the white corpuscles or cell in the blood stream that fight and destroy bacilli or germs of various kinds, the truth is that it is not chemistry or the earthly matter that humankind eats or drinks that creates and builds up the so-called white cells to carry on their work of purging , extirpating, or cleansing the body of undesirable and abnormal conditions . It is the vital force in the human body, taken in through the breath and otherwise, that creates these white cells and maintains their integrity .

          These white cells have to do more than the ordinary red blood cells which merely nourish and taken a certain amount of energy through the capillaries to all parts of the body. They have to maintain their own integrity and existence , as well as a consciousness and condition typical of an individual living body body,inasmuch as they must be able to function as independent living bodies. In addition to this , they must be able to analysis definitely all that they come in contact with, and decide what is destructive, dangerous or unnecessary, and should be destroy . These white cells then get rid of the remaining refuse. All of this requires a cosmic intelligence not possessed by all of the cell of the body .

                        Applying the Current

Nevertheless , the energy that is functioning in these white cells and in the red blood cells and in every other cell of the bone and tissue of the body is a divine cosmic energy that the Rosicrucians know how to apply and how to introduce into the body .

         In the first place, in the normal healthy body such additional vibratory cosmic energy is not needed. It is there in abundance , in reserve, and in constant use and application. When you realize that each hour of the day, whether we are awake or asleep , laboring , exercising , working or resting, a certain number of thousands of cells throughout the body break down, disintegrate, and become cast in the refuse, and that an equivalent number must be rebuilt to take their place , you will see that the human body is a vast chemical machine creating and recreating new matter from what we eat and drink, and that there is an intelligence directing the chemistry that is not very well understood by the average person.

          Scientists may talk about metabolism and the testing of your metabolism to see whether what you eat and drink and the manner in which you breath are assisting in the chemistry of your body. They may speak of blood counts, respiration, pulse beats,ans so on, but this is nothing more than testing a piece of machinery to see that it is operating rightly without testing to find out about the electrical current that is running into the machine to make it operate.

       This electrical current, to use a simile, is a divine current that the Rosicrucians alone have discovered, and to them it is vital and important. And so in the Rosicrucian healing method, even if applied cosmically from a distance , this vital energy that becomes lacking is strengthened and increased, and applied most directly to where it is needed. Just as the early fratres and the knights of templars established places in the mountain for the lost travelers and called these hospices , from which the word "hospitals " comes , so the early Rosicrucians and mystics established laboratories and clinics, where those suffering from chronic or long-standing or complicated conditions could be examined , diagnosed and give treatment .

        The principal form of treatment in such case is the raising of the vibratory rate of the entire body . This means to instil into the human body an addition amount of this cosmic vibratory energy so that all of the cells become functioning units in a normal harmonious manner in the direction of creation rather than in the creation of destruction, and this not done by the use of electric or "electronic "machines.

        It is a know fact , and easily discernible under the microscope , that after a living cell taken from any part of the body becomes lowered in its vitality or rate of vibration , it begins to die. It seems to destroy itself by reducing itself to the elementary materials of the earth's dust . In the absence of the right vibratory rate or the right divine energy . It cease to carry on its constructive mission and retrogresses . Therefore, the Rosicrucians apply directly to the sick body not only chemical elements that may be absent in the diet and which are corrected but that vital energy and rate of vibration that cannot be applied with medicines . This represents the "cosmic key" of the Rosicrucian secret healing methods.

   This vibratory energy can also be directed toward a patient by absent treatment . This is done regularly throughout the year by the members and worker of Council of Solace .

     The cause of all disease is the vibratory nature of the psychic body must be remedied before any permanent cure be established . The "golden key" to Rosicrucian therapeutic treatment is to change the rate of vibratory energy functioning through the physical body. It then becomes what was first decreed by God who said that the human being was now a living soul .


  1. You have wright by all Dr. Rev. Summers, thank you.
    If we accept God in the heart and be in peace with the creation, it will not be necessary any more to choose the destructive way. It begins in our minds. But if we don't and the perfekt organismus, with brain command, start working "against" the beauty of life itself and the divine insight, the life energy decrease sometimes and death energy encrease. It is like to become blind about the wonder contained in the body within, like you said, the divine life vibration - the breath of God.

    Until we become conscient (may be it will be a heart consciousness) about how beautiful we are, it is wonderfull to use all the ways and use all the wisdom we possess to help them they need to be helped.
    I thank you about how you act.

    Later we will meet God.
    God had all the time :)

  2. Could you please explain me better what does you mean with:
    "This vibratory energy can also be directed toward a patient by absent treatment"

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
