Friday, August 9, 2013


If pride, jealousy, and selfishness are the major weaknesses causing enmity between humans, other weaknesses set individuals against themselves and are just as detrimental to harmony which should be maintained within ourselves and manifested in our surroundings. such are hypocrisy, ingratitude, and disloyalty. As you have chosen to follow the Royal Path of Light, may God preserve you always from these faults which inevitably prolong the time spent wandering in the Forest of Errors. Truly beware of paths which oppose Virtue, for they will draw you away from the ideal path that you should take to know the Truth which frees the soul from the chains of illusion, mistress of the senses and of the wildest desires of the ego. Verily, happy are those mortals whose aim in their earthly life is to lead a virtuous life, because they will experience on the three levels of their threefold being what Socrates, our Venerated Master, exemplified .

 But mystics do not need to inquire about the virtuous life because human beings, by nature, are virtuous and perfect. As you know, mystics or children of the light simply need to free themselves from the inability to manifest their inner wealth. When successful, they will understand that the word "poverty" makes no sense when applied to Soul, for it is the most precious and purest of treasure. Expressed in humanity, it is the most precious and purest of treasures. Expressed in humanity, it is the jewel of Adam Kadmon, the emerald of Lucifer, the ruby of the Hermetic Tablet, the urna of the Buddha, the Holy Grail of the Christ Jesus, the al-jawhar alfrad of Mohammed. Verily, it constitutes the Philosophical Stone revealed by the greatest alchemists in their practice of the Great art, for the existence of human beings has no other aim than to bring forth the Divine Light imprisoned in the flesh. Dedicate your life to the Supreme Transmutation, so that your soul personality, through the fire of the Holy Ghost and with the earthly realm as its crucible, passes on to you its own illumination and makes you the reflection of the Greatest Light.

 Never be hypocritical in your acts, words,or thoughts. Hypocrisy always acts in self-interest or through weakness, and in all cases, it takes advantage of the trusting person and uses his or her goodness or gullibility to make use of worldly pleasure. Never agree with others if you do not think as they do, for by so doing you will not only be making a mistake, but you will become as equally guilty of the faults they are committing, comforted by a sense of self-satisfaction. For flattery is the servant of hypocrisy, and the gods know to what extent it serves the ends of the person using it to rob others of what is best in them. Hypocrites lie, invent, calculate, and are silent when they should speak, speak when they should be silent,and think of everything except the happiness of the person who is listening to them. Their entire lives are modeled on the voice of reason, for they do not remember what the path of the heart is, the path they should have followed.

 People who detest hypocrisy can give proper dimension to friendship, for true friendship is frank and sincere, both qualities being based on the desire and the need to do good, at the risk of losing the friendship which they strive to serve. Have you ever noticed that it is more difficult to say "no" to a friend than to say "yes"? To flatter the ego of the person ever so ready to listen to us is the easiest thing to do, but people who act this way will sooner or later experience the torment of those souls who have used others to better serve themselves. Be true to your friends and whenever they are in need, do to them as you would want them to do to you if you were in need. Be neither complacent nor uncompromising toward them, for complacency and intransigence are two extremes which produce the same destructive effects. Rather, listen to those who have given you their friendship and remember that this friendship, when sealed in the name of the Supreme Good, brings as much to the one who loves as to the one being loved. Also, do not give unsought advice, because it is useless to try forcing a locked door.

 Never forget a good deed done to you and be sufficiently honest to consider it more important than all that,in your opinion, you have not received. Ingratitude, in the eyes of God, is more reprehensible than many crimes considered as lowly by people. The mere fact of having accepted, on some occasion, what another has willingly given you, whether it be time, a smile, or some material object, leave you forever indebted for the gift provided. If all who have received it, ingratitude would be banished from the earth, because all human beings have at least some reason to be grateful always act, on one day or another, in one life or another, against the person from whom they have received something. What excuse can they then invoke to justify their lack of gratitude, or even worse, their desire to hurt the person who has been their benefactor? Once again, it is pride and jealousy which incite human beings to forget what has been done for them. Self-blinded, they end up forgetting their own past. From thereon begins for them the dizziest fall ever, the one which precipitates the soul into the dark abyss of those who rebel against their own history. Always remember that memory is the safeguard of humanity and that many civilization have perished in the flames of forgetfulness. For, if ingratitude sets one human against another, it also set one nation against another, and even entire nations against God!

 But hypocrisy and ingratitude are even more harmful when they feed the vilest disloyalty. Human beings have always made promises, taken on commitments, and sworn oaths. When doing so, many were sincere in their hearts and minds. But time, depending on how it is used, strengthens such bonds or destroys them. That is why many people, even those having pledge loyalty to an ideal or to the one incarnation this ideal, have been unfaithful to their promises, commitments, or oaths. Finally, and this is most serious, they have turned against the cause they served with loyalty. People are always free to abandon the path they have followed in the past, because they are the masters of their destinies. But to abandon does not mean to disown, and even less to fight against what had once been defended in the name of what we had thought was good. Honorable people do not lie to themselves. In their innermost self, they know that tomorrow may be quite different from today and that today is midway between yesterday and tomorrow, but they also know that law of evolution prohibits them from destroying what the have helped to build. If one day you feel that you no longer agree with the ideals of the past, or that you no longer love a friend who was once so dear to you, above all, do not join the ranks of those who serve perjury and disloyalty. Rather, quietly withdraw and continue on your way toward new horizons, ever respecting those who have given you strength. Undoubtedly, were you to be disloyal to them, you would greatly weaken yourself .

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