Saturday, February 2, 2013
Drawing and Preserving Prosperity
Prosperity is a state of mind in which one has happiness and peace within and about oneself.
Some people may have a few thousand pounds in the bank and ponder themselves prosperous, while others may have a million and ascertain that they are not prosperous as yet. Prosperity is not only financial, but also comprises areas of love, health and happiness. Having one of these things without the other is not true prosperity. Prosperity is usually thought of only in terms of finances but such cogitate is incorrect.
The mind must perceive a “wealth” about life in all areas. To have a mental posture that works for financial prosperity, one should think of oneself as also being prosperous in peace , love , wisdom, health, etc. the mine , then, move completely accepts that life has a great deal to offer. If a person apprehend impoverished in love, that area of one’s mind of cogitate will spill over into another area of the mind where cogitating about one’s finances take place. When this occurs, a person will not be as adequate in helping himself financially, by having the right mental posture that breads prosperity. Then , what is the right mental posture for drawing prosperity? It is a posture of continual expectancy, a state of mind that is always open to new ideas, inspiration and insight flowing from the higher God-mind within oneself. It is a state of mind that never accepts financial defeat. It is a state of mind that always knows that God as the manifesting universe, is one’s only true source of supply and prosperity. It is a mind that understand peace in those truths, and through that peace which make the mind clear, new inspiration leading to greater prosperity.
Together with being a state of mind, prosperity is also a state of soul, when people meditate, they are filled with the presence of their higher God-being. This inner state of oneness enforces the conscious state of mind and metal posture as one goes about the daily business of living. Knowing, through meditation, that God is truly within you, as the central core of your being and mind, yields the greatest positive posture of mind for attaining prosperity, you know that indeed, have the intelligence and wisdom of the entire universe working within and through you, as you draw and preserve prosperity. In this state of soul you are confident , knowing that you have an “ absolute power or magic” in the inner presence of god working for your prosperity each and every day.
- each day, declare within your mind that God is your source of supply.
- Live, cogitate and act in ways that says you are already prosperous.
- Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by those around you who love to talk about how hard things are.
- Unite only those who have a positive posture about prosperity and money.
- Being “spiritual” is having money, it affirms a loving God that provides, remind yourself always of this, if you have been influenced by the old “hell and damnation” religion, that all but suggests that having money is some sort of sin.
- Frequent place in your city where is affluence, pick up on the psychic vibration, let your being be permeated with prosperity vibrations.
- Go into the finest store, try on expensive clothing, even if you don’t have the money to buy at the moment. Get the psychic vibratory feeling of having on expensive clothes.
- Don’t accept negative thought into your mind that say you are lacking, reject them immediately, affirm instead, that you are prosperous already and that God, your source is supplying your every need.
- When praying, don’t ask for money, instead, make your prayer more of an affirmation that your higher God-mind knows you have need, and that God is already in the process of prospering you.
- Meditate daily, engross into your mind to its center, where the vicinity of God exists, in this way, you will keep an inner mental channel of intuition and inspiration open, guiding you to claim the prosperity that is already yours-though your source.
- Keep all channel open in your mind as how prosperity may reach you, if you need something, it may not come to you merely by means of having the money to purchase it, it may instead, be traded to you, or even given to you.
- God helps those who help themselves, is a very true statement, keep active , don’t sit around waiting for good to materialize in your living room. It may be down the street waiting for you! By keeping active , you stand a far better chance to be in the right position , at the right time, to receive it.
- Program your mind each day with prosperity-thought affirmation, build a strong prosperity foundation in your subconscious mind.
- When going through your bills , maintain mental posture that God, working through you, will take care of the payment.
Every day, go into a subconscious level of meditation and give yourself the following affirmation. Recur each one to yourself at least four times, them, choose one that particularly appears to you and write it down on a small sheet of paper or an index card, or enter it into your laptop or palm organizer. Carry it with you during your daily activities, so that you may read it may times during the day. Each time you do, you are further influencing your mind into the type of mental posture that draws prosperity, both physically and spiritually.
“ I live reliantly each day, knowing that the source of my prosperity is God working through me and directing me”
“ I am al peace and poised every day, in the calm self-assurance that the power of God and the universe prospers me”
“I affirm that in the presence of God , I already , am prosperous and that this prosperity is beginning to materialized around me.
“ all channels of my mind are open, so that I may receive intuitive direction fro the God of my being, as to where to lay claim to that which brings me prosperity”.
“ I radiate out auric vibration of prosperity and well-being whenever I may be each day”
“ I telepathically project forth thoughts into the psychic atmosphere that I am already a prosperous person.
“each day , I share the wealth of God abundance around me”.
“ my mind is part of the infinite mind of god, which contains the entire universe within itself . I , therefore think of myself as a prosperous person. As I do, my thoughts travel into the mind of god. My thoughts traveling in the mind of God , open channels through which that which I need flows to me. My mind, therefore, is like a magnetic force drawing prosperity to me. I declare before the God my being that God is my only true source of prosperity.”
I speak now to the God of my being, you know what I have need of, even before I ask. You are the ruling power of the universe. I accept you as the ruling power over all my financial affairs, lead me, direct me, for I am open to receive prosperity into my life, for this, I give thanks that it is so , and so it is .”
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