It have been said that the mystical doctrine relates to the relationship and potential union of the human soul with ultimate reality and that the mystical school is a school of learning by becoming .
The mystic claims that the average person is only half alive: the greater part of his being i dormant because it has never been taught or allowed to function properly or to realize its full potentialities. They mystic discipline sets out to remedy that.
The keyword are light, life and love; and by these we have to transmute all that is negative, and therefore 'evil', in our live to that which is positive and good. We strive to overcome the "I" of self not by mortification or subjection (which is merely an inversion ), but by enlightenment ; seeking to outgrow rather to suppress it .
We can never be self-satisfied or complacent because each advancement made, only serves to emphasis how much further we have to go.
Gradually, as mystic or metaphysical students, we become aware of certain profound principles from an inward discovery or revelation. Initially, we commence by a search for truth. Purity of motive must be the underlying factor in this search, for unless we apply it to all things, thought, purpose, self-analysis and outward dealing with others, we cannot even begin to glimpse truth as a reality .
Many things can be leaned intellectually but it is not until we feel and know them throughout our whole selves that they become real and can then exert a positive influence in our lives. There is such a frail dividing line between thinking that we understand a thing and really understanding it; yet, to effect the transition between the states is, for many people, an apparent impossibility. That is the reason why we have often to experience tragic or unpleasant things in life: they serve to rupture the outer shell that separates the intellectual understanding from that complete understanding which permeates the whole being .
Without purity of motive one cannot understand oneself; if one cannot understand oneself it is impossible to understand others, then life becomes full of complexities and distortions and the truth totally obscured .
Understanding brings its own" shorthand' of expression. Colette, the famous french writer, was once giving water to tulips drooping in a vase. Her innate tenderness and compassion, which covered all aspect of God's creation, extended to the flowers dying for lack of water. "Maurice !" she cried to her husband, " there is only one creature." There, in a sort of "shorthand," the entire thing was said.
God's love runs through all, is manifested everywhere, and those who have eyes to see, recognize it in both the animate and inanimate worlds; in earth and rock, in plant and animal as well as in the human. God is love, sounding and resounding in every particle throughout the universe. It is a mystical experience and can only be conveyed to those who have had a like sensation. A love that is both person and impersonal, reflecting the all and taking us back again, in thankfulness, to the Source .
I have seen life and death of the living. Daily, moment by moment in my own living and remembrance. In the advent of technology I have been able to see whole continents and nations. In the city where I live, I have seen life and death blankets my community, my block, houses and neighbors. Mothers, fathers, and the children of the world communities. Those thought to be hill top elites, as those of the ghetto I have seen life and dead of inspiration, hope, in believing and not believing no one cares, or ever will care.
ReplyDeleteIn the schools I have seen this. And in the laborious occupations of the rich and poor, whether mentally or physically, religious and secular. I have seen the cataracts covering the eyes of Wall street, the White house, congress and senate. I have seen life and death trickling down its scales of blindness in the prejudice of individuals, groups, and the collective mass of the irresponsible. I have seen it in the breathing of the men and women I held in my arms as they suffer to capture their breath before it is taken from them. Whether they were at peace or not, I cannot say, but I do know, from the lips of those who have dies in my arms, they were not tired of living, only tired of the dual life they could not overcome with any form of enlightenment, or religious belief, whether it was Christian, Buddhist, atheist, metaphysics or mysticism.
In all my living, I have never seen anyone achieve The Spirit of Faith with blankets the Seven known Spirit attributes man posses. And so, in this lack of achievement, a divide of different beliefs stand before us as a great gulf of tension which tears our hearts apart. We are no different from those in our conscious awareness. We just experienced living and acceptance of our learning in different manners.
Being no different from our fellow man, what makes the words within the Bible God's Word, and not The Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Zendavesta, Avesta, The Koran, and so on not of one accord in sentient awareness? Could it be the words read, accepted or rejected, in any of these books are not what makes them authoritative, but only practicing the active demonstration of their Spirit application. Look at how the world is in chaos because of the lack of their Spirit application for a yes or no answer.
I give myself permission to say: jufa, think twice before you gel your mind with typical rhetorical thoughts of the theologians, intellectual philosophers, etc. Causation can never be an infinite regress to an individual living because it takes ones awareness of aliveness now; of living now to remember the past to regress. The Spirit of Consciousness of The Breath of Life can not regress, it is omnipresent. So causation must be considered a continuum, not of living the past, but life in a stupor of ignorance. Ignorance because life did not begin with conception. Life has always been.
Man can say his presence, therefore, is because of the creative Principled Substance and Pattern Essence of "the law of the Spirit of life." Man too can say he was formed by the living Spirit of The Breath of Life which he cannot comprehend. Man's causation, therefore, cannot be comprehended, because all conception is fathered/mothered by That Breath of Life which cannot be intellectually of spiritually defined.
(to be continued)
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
ReplyDeleteMan can say his presence, therefore, is because of the creative Principled Substance and Pattern Essence of "the law of the Spirit of life." Man too can say he was formed by the living Spirit of The Breath of Life which he cannot comprehend. Man's causation, therefore, cannot be comprehended, because all conception is fathered/mothered by That Breath of Life which cannot be intellectually of spiritually defined.
To speak upon anything, to prove anything, while living because the Breath of Life is man's potential of everything. Or to philosophize about any purpose and meaning to life, is, therefore, the most illogical thing an individual can do regardless who they are, or title they bear. Why? Because life does not move, Consciousness does not move, Thought does not move. Only the Consciousness which emanates the "word of its power" as a vibrating Wheel of thought generates the wave of The Breath of Pure Conscious awareness within the Spirit of That which is "without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life." Can That which is not definable be defined by that which cannot comprehend itself?
Life is omnipresent. Consciousness is omnipresent. thought is omnipresent. If this is not true, those who read and doubt should have no problem telling where God's Word is not, or God's consciousness and thought cannot be found should they be earnestly sought beyond the sentient mind?
Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say , Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalms 139:7-11
I have seen a pastor turn from the pulpit and return to the street. And I have seen the street -wise turn from the fast life and enter the doors of the church. I have seen all things concerning man and his thoughts to be the same results for the good and the bad. If so the Word of God is to be comprehended in the Spirit of The Breath of Life, and spoken "in deed and in truth" in order for the kingdom of the Unconditioned Mind to be bound "on earth as it is in heaven," why then does the mind of Christ not flow in individuals today as it did in the Son of Man?
In all I have seen though, I have not seen myself. Who can look into the dark with eyes of flesh and see Him, who dwells therein, as the Light of Silence? Only "He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully." Only "He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of salvation: for a hypocrite shall not come before him." How can a hypocrite find his way in the dark?
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa