For many people interested in mysticism, metaphysics and making sincere attempts to advance on their chosen private paths of inner development, there comes a time when they are overwhelmed by the wealth of written information that is available on subjects dealing with their quest. Books on the occult and on the experience of various adepts along their respective paths,as well as methods and techniques of achieving "instant illumination" beckon them from all sides. Sadly many of these sources amount to little more than a muddying of the benefit to their personal efforts at gaining greater spiritual awareness.
Although it is advisable and indeed sometimes necessary to read up on various matters relating to metaphysics, and to find inspiration and upliftment in the writings of those who have walked the worthwhile paths of inner development before, it must be remembered that intellectual exercise is not the accepted prerequisite for admittance into the true realms of metaphysical initiation. Many student spend most of their time in intellectual pursuits of this sort, associating with others of like mind for long-winded "intellectual" discussions which may stimulate the mind for a while, but ultimately lead nowhere, except perhaps to the uncomfortable realization that with all the reading they have done, their inner progress has remained at a standstill. What then is the necessary requirement for advancement on the path of inner unfoldment?
The slow, painful and often mind-shattering process of true self -unfoldment comes only through the practical application of the highest and noblest ideals engendered by an ever-aspiring humanity towards the understanding of the laws of its Creator. In order to progress a little further on the path, our lives must reflect the inner love and compassion which can only be found through daily meditation and attunement with the inner self. We often find in life beings who evince little or no "intellectuality " and whose lives are devoid of any formal academic knowledge, but who nevertheless reflect an inner understanding and compassion towards humanity that is an inspiration for all others. Gentleness and kindness in all their thoughts and actions punctuate their lives,and others turn to them with open hearts, as if cognisant of the fact that they are witnessing the unfolding of a true soul upon a genuine path of inner development.
What in essence is this understanding and compassion which commands the respect and love of other travelers on the well worn path of self-evolution? it may perhaps simply be the compulsion to be of service to other less fortunate in life, the extending of a helping hand, the utterance of the little word of encouragement which lifts the clouds of despondency and despair that sometimes crowd a person's day. It takes so little to make another person happy, and this in essence is what encourages men and women from all walks of life to admire the individual who, with perhaps little knowledge of the literature of the day, can bring that special ray of sunshine into their lives. Gentleness of mind and soul is not an easy task. It is something that must be cultivated, nurtured and never left to wither. We must learn to go out of our way each day to find the task that needs us the most, and then to perform it silently without great fanfare and expectation of reward; for service is one of the greatest tools of the art of gentleness. Service is self effacement , and thoughtfulness in the little way that count, are what truly bring us nearer to an understanding of the qualities we need. Each day, let us find something good to say about the people we meet and must interact with. Let us stop looking at others objectively and seeing only that they are physical beings. Let us learn to look beyond the outer self and its shortcoming and see the soul within, trying to unfold along the same path of human understanding.
The reading of books and classics is necessary in the learning process and the growth of our intellectual abilities. However, it is not through reading alone that we will reach that much coveted state of Niravan or Cosmic Illumination which is the ultimate goal of all student of metaphysics. We must remember that Osiris, standing at the gates of the underworld, does not ask each soul for a dissertation on Plato's "Dialogues" or Locke's Essay on Human Understanding, " but rather, will weigh our every thought and action during the span of our sojourn on Earth and judge us accordingly .
Let us therefore pass the test by punctuating our studies with practical application of the Metaphysical teachings which will bring about the merging of our outer self with the inner self, the personality of the soul itself. The individual soul that animates you through its vital life force is the ward and guardian of your life. Your outer, intellectual self, is also the guardian of the physical body through which your soul keeps you alive for the full course of your incarnation. However, it is the soul which acts as the wisest, most gracious, most compassionate and understanding advisor in your daily affairs that you could ever hope for .
The true journey to the inner man
ReplyDeletecan only begin when men first come to understand that the permanent life threatening decisions they make today are made upon circumstances, situations, conditions, and even an environment which is not permanent. This is verified by the very fact that the decisions men made yesterday, or week, month, or year ago cannot even be remembered today. Why, because men attempt to make impersonal issues of the movement of Spirit permanent within their world of subjectivity, when the world itself is the objectivity of man's interpreted visions which are not permanent.
Life, no matter its design, does not begin in the comprehension of man's inner subjective evolution of sense awareness, nor does it end in man's personal interpreted intake of his outer objective visions. Life for men, regardless of appearance, did not, and does not begin in human conception. Nor does the life of man end when the grim reaper adheres to the world law "a time to die,", and man's body can no longer retain the Spirit of Life which made him consciously aware. Life will always be because Life has always been the stillness of the infinite way of Itself, for Life is Consciousness, and Consciousness is the Spirit of God which animates and moves the spirit of men, plants, animals, and all the elements which took form according to God's vision and will.
Life for the human man, the man of flesh, is the illusion of something which has no cause, law, or power, making that something a foundation of nothingness. That nothingness is the lack of knowledge, or ignorance men indulge themselves in concerning the knowledge of good and evil, or the pairs of opposites, which is found only in the world of the human mind and thought process.
Man's ignorance of not being able to comprehend his origin is that of his own spirit has rooted him in believing and living a split personality. And because man believes this split personality to be personal to himself, he established the birth of dualism which begot confusion. With confusion came lack of discernment; with lack of discernment came lack of knowledge; and it is written: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
"If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness?" It is as great as man's lack of knowledge of how creation was created. It is as great of man's lack of knowledge as to what holds the elements of the universe in place where there is no visible support for doing so. Or what life is all about, or what makes men consciously aware of life to begin with.
These are the question men must begin with if they are sincere in seeking the truth. And as Jacob wrestles with the man until the break of dawn, and wouldn't let him go until he was bless, so must each man's wrestle with the things in their lives which does hinder them from "living from every word that proceed out of the mouth of [their] God." For until man grasp the knowledge of who It is that makes him aware he is observing the awareness of the picture of flesh he represents to be his own, he will always be a pilgrim traveler going forward upon a journey with requires going back to the dust in order to receive the truth of the Spirit of life he is. - by Julius Fann
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
Julius thanks for chipping in your thoughts on this topic .may all creation bless you.