Saturday, November 8, 2014


I accept that everything in the universe is vibratory,but how do vibrations relate to passive state like meditation?

      Vibrations are the basis of everything in the universe. This is not a mystical tenet,it is part and parcel of elementary physics. Everything we experience is caused by vibrations and without there would be nothing,literally a void in the most absolute sense. As Mystics,we are fully aware of this,but we also know that anything whatsoever that vibrates,sends out waves similar to the waves produced in a body of water when a stone is dropped into it.The waves spreed out in all directions from the source of disturbance, and in times will affect all things within proximity of the source of the vibrations.

      Objective consciousness, which seems so powerfully to be located in our physical brain,is analogous to the hand that causes a tuning fork to be struck, thereby sending out sound waves in all directions.It is also like the hand that flicks a switch which cause a modulated current to flow in the tuning device found in a radio or television transmitter. Those electromagnetic waves also spread out into space in all direction and are picked up by similarly constructed radio and television receivers.In a very real,physical sense then, there is a connection between transmitter and receiver, though separated only by times and space.

     If we had some sort of biological equivalent of television receiver circuitry in our brains,we would be able to pick up and see television programs directly,and without the need for a television receiver. That may seem a rather silly example,but it is close analogy to the operation of our psychic faculties.Through the exercise in the mystical classes, we learn to tune in to impressions far more subtle and refined than television signals, and we do this through a gradual process of awakening our psychic center/chakra, Overlain over those centres of information exchange are physical areas of the body that enable this information exchange to be perceived by the brain,and hence  brought into objection consciousness. The psychic centers act as regions of our being where specific frequency ranges are stepped up or stepped down, depending on whether we are sending or receiving information or vibrations. Meditation is indeed a passive process, but only at the summit of the experience.Building up to the experience,which may last on a few seconds ,or a few minutes at most,is a process of tuning out' all but the most subtle and high frequency vibrations passing through our five sense faculties,and 'tuning in' and amplifying to the greatest extent possible,impressions that we constantly receive from the Cosmic ,and which contain information vitally necessary for our spiritual growth. The first steps of this process involve learning to hold our tuners on one frequency,and this is the active stage of the meditation process.

   We also need to collect new data from frequency that we are not familiar with,in order to lay a foundation of experience for understanding and utilizing the guidance available to us from our inner self. As we gain more experience in controlling this process,our consciousness is slowly transformed,it becomes more attuned with the exceptionally high frequencies of the Cosmic ,and begins to apply meaning to the information which flows to it.It also becomes easier with practice to enter the ultimate stage of meditation where the internal chatter cease, all sense impressions are at the maintenance of life,and the mind is in the most receptive state possible to perceive the extremely rarefied and subtle vibration that carry the information we need most.

     On a purely practical level,the more we unselfishly serve the interests of others, the more we are able to transform our objective thoughts into thoughts in harmony with the Cosmic,and easier it becomes to enter a true state of meditation.The experience of service recall old ideas and impressions from the memory,allowing them to be re-examined in the light of higher consciousness and returned to the memory in a form compatible with high vibrations we have received during the brief ultimate stage of meditation.Through service,we find practical,down-to-earth ways of putting the new understanding we cumulatively gain through meditation into practice.

      The meditative state may seem passive by the standards of our normally active chatterbox minds .But at no point do we cease receiving and attempting to apply meaning to the Cosmic vibrations that constantly bombard us. We may be a supremely passive state,but we are still perceiving and analyzing very much, though in this case,information of very focused and concentrated form. Every thought.word and deed that is inharmonious with the creative,constructive force of the Cosmic must be ferreted out before we enter full mediation. But when at last the mind has been 'purified' through years of hard effort,we will be able to partially merge if for varying lengths of time with the Divine Mind.And from this we one day accomplish the crowning glory of life, the Mystical Marriage or Cosmic Consciousness.

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