Monday, September 9, 2013


For an atheist, the material world, as it appears to him or her, is the only reality there is; and there is a presumed assumption that the personal reality of one person is the same as that of all others. For a mystic, the material manifestation of the world is only one among millions of slightly different personal realities of much deeper realities, each of which ultimately have but a single "non-material"actuality .

My philosophy is fundamentally mystical in nature and states that the old platonic concept of Nous is the most fundamental of all manifestation of the universe. Nous is the actuality that precedes the manifestation of the universe, and is also what will continue to exist after the universe has ceased to exist. Nous express itself in two different forms or polarities. One is called spirit, ,loosely also referred to as or "Spirit energy," and is both the force fields and the clusters of forces that underlie all expression of mater and energy. The other phase of Nous known to living things is called Soul or the Vital Life Force, loosely also referred as Soul energy, and is the source of the individual soul that each human being possesses.

My philosophy and mysticism in general therefore go deeper than the purely atheistic concept of reality. It does not claim that Vital Life Force or Soul in the ultimate reality. Nor does it claim that Spirit, whether condensed as matter or manifesting as energy, is the ultimate reality. In mystical terminology, the ultimate reality is the Cosmic itself and Nous is the highest manifestation that anything in the universe can ever know. Mind is an expression of Vital Life Force and matter is an expression of Spirit, but both are manifestation of a much deeper actuality called Nous.

To the materialist, the self exist only as long as the physical body exists. For the mystic however, the self, or more precisely some aspects of the inner self associated with the individual soul, survives life on earth. When the body dies, some individual repository of information and experience continues, existing with a form of consciousness we cannot understand. The physical body renews itself constantly throughout life. Most of its cell have relatively short-life-spans, and others, such as in the brain, live for decades. But all cells ultimately die and their absence triggers cells of their own kind to generate new ones. But there is something linked to yet quite apart from the physical body. It is the ultimate repository of our memories and record of experience. What it is, probably very few can accurately tell, but whatever it is, it contains our complete karmic history and ensures that we will compensate for our former actions in the best way possible to learn from our mistakes.

Something has been with us from birth...., a continuous entity that is not part of the material body, yet intimately tied to it. The physical body is a temporary vehicle for the expression of the soul, a soul that predates the existence of the physical body and will go on after the physical body has ceased to exist. The Inner Self then, as a manifestation of the soul, has continuity. It comes from the source of life and eventually returns to it. In the meantime it is incarnated into various physical vehicles that are in a constant state of change. A part of the experience of the soul is to manifest through the medium of those material changes.

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