Wednesday, September 25, 2013


QUESTION: When the third eye develops, does it do so physically? if an autopsy were performed on a person with a developed third eye, would it look different from an undeveloped one ? Exactly what is the function of the third eye? How does it aid us in our psychic development ?

The origin of the legend of a third eye is probably related to two every special glands inside the brain: the pituitary gland, located just about the bridge of the nose between the eyes and about 3cm inside the brain..., and the pineal gland, located behind the third ventricle of the brain, literally in the centre of the head. Of the two, the "third eye" manifests to us visually through the pituitary. In other words it is the pituitary  that converts the signals into frequencies that the visual part of the brain can interpret as sight. The greatest power of the "third eye" however, emanates from the pineal gland and manifests through all five physical senses and not sight alone.

The pineal gland was called the "seat of the soul" by the 17th  Century French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes, for it really is the premier area of our being through which we communicate with the soul. The pituitary gland, and indeed all other glands, are in a sense "subordinate" to the pineal gland in that it has a narrower band of operation (sight only), but it is no less important. The pituitary is the true original "third eye" as it operates or superimpose its activity exclusively through of the sense of sigh, whereas the pineal operates through all our sense and uses the pituitary as an overlay for its operations in the area of sight. The rest of this article will therefore be devoted to the pineal gland, as it truly is the controller of all glands..., the master gland ..., the 'seat of the soul", even though it is strictly not the "the third eye' itself. As the controller behind the scenes of all our psychic experiences it is therefore central to any discussion of the third eye.

There are specific physical functions associated with all glands, and although they are not fully understood, they are crucial to our physical and especially our mental wellbeing. The very manner in which we behave, indeed the very thoughts we harbour are intimately linked to the secretions of our glands. As legend has it, the pituitary gland once caused a cyclopic protrusion on the forehead, giving a superior faculty of perception to its possessor, and a relative of the pituitary gland still exists as an eyelike structure in certain reptiles.

The pineal gland takes its name from its pine cone shape. In Rosicrucian ontology , the pineal gland serves as a sense organ allowing the perception of vibratory frequencies far removed from the frequencies we perceive with our normal five objective sense faculties. Not only does it manifest to us through our normal five sense faculties, so to speak overlaying its perceptions over those faculties, it can also be seen as a completely separate sense altogether, a sort of sixth sense completely different and a whole lot more subtle that our other five receptor senses. As a sense faculty, the pineal is much more than just an extension of normal sight, or hearing, or smelling, etc. The whole experience of life is enhanced and somehow given a additional quality as these different cluster of energy are interpreted by our five senses in ways not normally experienced. Furthermore, it brings new concepts into our consciousness, answers old questions, channel inspiration from the Cosmic mind, and inspires us with creativity and other mental phenomena. "Seat of the soul' truly is a perfect label for this crucial gland.

At one time in history, the third eye may well have been more highly developed than at present. It may have been physically larger, more intricately constructed, and operated far more efficiently than it does today. The reason for its deterioration over the millennia is open to speculation, but with the rise of the human intellect, its primary function of protecting the individual from harm may, through its ability to perceive things happening outside of the normal "physical' senses receptors, have lessened , causing a slow atrophying of the gland. Another, less likely, reason could have been a voluntary disassociation with this faculty, a deliberate rejection of its capabilities far in our prehistoric past.

The pineal gland has a crucial physical purpose to play in the body as it secretes certain hormones which regulate our behaviour and perception of events. In a very literal sense, it is responsible for the moods we have. It causes us to feel the way we feel about things, and causes us to make the decisions we make. Of course this is not to say that it such a controller of our affairs that we have no free will, but we use it subconsciously in fundamentally important ways to give ourselves  the feeling and thoughts necessary to accomplish what we wish to accomplish in life. So much for the physical and mental functions and influences of the pineal; the psychic influences are also a relatively new discovery. With our present state of knowledge about the non-physical purpose of the pineal gland, its most useful non-biological function lies in its ability to coax out outer awareness, the awareness of the outer personality, to an ever great awareness of the Universal Mind.

As a superior sense faculty, it permits us to perceive impression of a do-called "psychic" nature, gaining us admission to the thoughts and mental states of other human and non-human creatures, as well as states of consciousness completely alien to human life. Attunement with the Cosmic Mind through the pineal gland is far its most important mystical function, and some mystic orders in particular are encourage to work diligently and steadily with it. In practice, the pineal translates the faintly discernible energies of the "psychic realm" into understandable imagery and perceivable thoughts, all in terms of our five normal sense faculties .

This is much the same as the function performed by our objective sense organs, such as the eyes or ears, that transform physical frequencies into the sight and sounds of our everyday experience. The key to any perception is not the perception itself, but the manner in which the various energies are grouped or "clustered " in ways that our normal five senses can perceive and apply meaning to . If the energies involved could not be clustered in the way, if it were not possible for the pineal to enhance some frequencies and dampen down others in order to accomplish clusterings that are familiar to our five senses, we would perceive nothing of consequences.

Development of the pineal gland does not necessarily mean development of its physical size, and no amount of "development' or wishing can affect its physical structure in a single lifetime. Initial development simply uses the existing, already highly refined structure as best as possible, but generations of targeted development will undoubtedly lead to human beings with more physically developed pineal glands in due course. That is however far beyond our scope in the present. We have a tool of already great sophistication and merely need to put it to good sue. As an analogy, we have a perfectly good instrument in the piano and can become experts in its use but a piano will never have the versatility of an electronic piano that can mimic anything from a great cathedral organ to the chirping of crickets. Nevertheless, is it not still worth our while learning to play an ordinary piano ? It most certainly is !

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